When the Quarantine Syndrome Sneaks on You

When the Quarantine Syndrome Sneaks on You

Your eyes navigate the gray sea of Internet,
Skimming, yet nothing enters in your head,

As your mind drifts back and forth, past and now,
Trivial matters exaggerate, turbid, fester,

Your wife screams, you go berserk.
You are not alone. Take your family for a walk,

Wave to the passersby, smile or say hello.

© Byung A. Fallgren

Joe Murphy, Linda Holste, (joseph.f.murphy@vanderbilt.edu), Sandhill Crane, Outlook-5mrdstgf

Photo by Joe Murphy, Linda Holste, (joseph.f.murphy@vanderbilt.edu)
Sandhill Crane.

By now, most of people have adapted to the situations the pandemic
has brought, we like to think so. But truth is there are still many people, especially
younger people, are suffering from so called quarantine-syndrome. I’ve seen
some couples go berserk, talking about divorcing, etc.
Older people seemed to adjust to the time better, despite the vulnerability to
the virus–the benefit of aging. Yet, truth is I begin to feel I’ve had enough of this.
Ugh. Can’t wait…till next year…for the vaccine… But we have to do our best to
stay lucid, defeat the pandemic, and keep our home healthy.


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